Heslington Hustle by


Download Game

Click on your operating system below to download the executable for Heslington Hustle by F1SH:


To run the game on LINUX enter the line 'java -jar HeslingtonHustle.jar' into your terminal.

To run the game on MACOS enter the line 'java -jar -XstartOnFirstThread HeslingtonHustle.jar' into your terminal.

Change report

Click the button below to download the file as a PDF:

Download Change2.pdf



Click the button below to download the file as a PDF:

Download Impl2.pdf



Click the button below to download the file as a PDF:

Download Test2.pdf


The manual test table, test-requirments correspondence table, unit test screenshots and manual tests video discussed in the Test2.pdf document can be found here.

For the testing and coverage result, see here.

Download ManualTestPlan.pdf


Download Requirements-To-Tests Table.pdf.pdf


Download UnitTestResults.zip



User Evaluation

Click the button below to download the file as a PDF:

Download Eval2.pdf


Continuous Integration

Click the button below to download the file as a PDF:

Download CI2.pdf



Click the button below to download the file as a PDF:

Download Req1.pdf



Click the button below to download the file as a PDF:

Download Arch1.pdf


All diagrams discussed in the Arch1.pdf document can be found here. If they are too small to read, click on the image to open it in the PlantUML server.


Fig1. Initial CRC cards.


Fig2. Initial class diagram.


Fig3. Final class diagram.


Fig4. Final sequence diagram, part 1.


Fig5. Final sequence diagram, part 2.

Method Selection and Planning

Click the button below to download the file as a PDF:


Fig1. Initial work breakdown.


Weekly snapshots of the project plan are shown using Gantt charts below. These diagrams show the start, duration, end and dependencies of the key tasks, as well as the team members assigned to them in each week.


Fig2. Snapshot of the plan in Week 1.
Fig3. Snapshot of the plan in Week 2.
Fig4. Snapshot of the plan in Week 3.
Fig5. Snapshot of the plan in Week 4.
Fig6. Snapshot of the plan in Week 5.


Please note: there is no diagram for week 6 because we started counting each week from the first Friday practical session!

Risk Assessment and Mitigation

Click the button below to download the file as a PDF:

Download Risk1.pdf



Click the button below to download the file as a PDF:

Download Impl1.pdf